Standar Kompetensi :
Keputusan Menteri Ketenagakerjaan dan Transmigrasi Republik Indonesia Nomor KEP.27/MEN/II/2009 Tahun 2009 Tentang Penetapan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia Sektor Jasa Kemasyarakatan, Sosial, Budaya, dan Perorangan Lainnya Sub Sektor Jasa Kegiatan Lainnya Bidang Bahasa Inggris untuk Tenaga Administrasi Profesional.
Unit Kompetensi yang diajarkan :
No | Kode Unit Kompetensi | Nama Unit Kompetensi |
1 | BHS.IS01.001.01 | Greetings |
2 | BHS.IS01.002.01 | Introductions |
3 | BHS.IS01.003.01 | Using General Expressions in Telephoning |
4 | BHS.IS01.004.01 | Making A Telephone Calls |
5 | BHS.IS02.001.01 | Taking and Giving Messages by Telephone |
6 | BHS.IS02.002.01 | Leaving Messages by Telephone |
7 | BHS.IS02.003.01 | Welcoming Visitors |
8 | BHS.IS02.004.01 | Receiving Visitors |
9 | BHS.IS01.006.01 | Basic Daily Conversation at Work |
10 | BHS.IS01.010.01 | Using Basic Communication Strategy |
11 | BHS.IS01.011.01 | Using Intermediate Communication Strategy |
12 | BHS.IS02.008.01 | Making An Appointment |
13 | BHS.IS01.009.01 | Applying for A Job |
14 | BHS.IS02.005.01 | Describing Office Equipment |
15 | BHS.IS02.007.01 | Using Computer Terminology |
16 | BHS.IS03.002.01 | Preparing A Presentation |
17 | BHS.IS03.004.01 | Making and Handling Complaints |
18 | BHS.IS03.005.01 | Giving A Presentation |
19 | BHS.IS02.006.01 | Mail Handling |
20 | BHS.IS02.009.01 | Basic Business Correspondence |
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